The Cambridge Lumber Yard Revitalization Project
(a component of “Owlkill Commons”)
In June 2021, the Community Partnership purchased the Cambridge Lumber Yard. It intends to revitalize the property for expanded commercial, residential and recreational use. The 2.6-acre property has frontage on Main Street and Railroad Avenue and hosts five structures, the most prominent of which is 9 West Main Street. Some infrastructure problems plague the site and limit the commercial potential of it and neighboring properties (i.e., wastewater disposal and parking). However, the property is already producing income. Some space is leased for residential, commercial, and self-storage use. Additionally, approximately 600 feet of the Owlkill meanders through the western edge of the property.
Click here for the survey of the property
Revitalization Phases: Eastern Section of Owlkill Commons
(formerly Known as the Lumber Yard)
Update July 2024
Studio 3 Anchor Tenant in 9 West
The CP is delighted to announce that Studio 3 will be moving into 9 West. Mandy McKillop, NYSLMT has been practicing massage therapy as a NYS licensed massage therapist since 1995. In addition to massage therapy, Studio 3 offers energy healing sessions and assistance with starting or deepening ones mediation practice. See
Henry’s Barber Shop, which relocated temporarily to the adorable cottage, will also return to 9 West.
Two 9W commercial units with Main Street frontage are available for rent as well as the 400 SF standalone Cottage. Interested? Give us a ring (518) 677-3555 or
Transformation of 9 West Main
The transformation of 9 West Main Street continues. It’s taken us a little longer than we hoped but talented contractors continue to be hard at work.
• 9 W now sports new energy efficient HVAC systems, roofing, second floor exterior cedar siding…
• And…sheetrocking, taping/drywalling is complete in the four interior commercial 1st floor spaces.
• Windows, siding and the east side patio will adorn the exterior 9W in the coming months and… as soon as possible thereafter, we hope to welcome our amazing tenants.
Interested in Joining a Shared Workspace in 9W Main?
The Owlkill Commons is an incubator of sorts. VARAK, the historic multi-building complex which formerly housed the Rice Seed Company, serves as an important node for entrepreneurship, artistry and innovation. The Commons is also an outlet for local farmers and food processors to market, test and refine their products through the weekly farmers’ market and Cambridge Food Coop.
The CP is considering ways to further support entrepreneurs and work-from-home employees in Southern Washington County. As we near the completion of 9 West Main, we’re exploring the concept of setting up a shared workspace. This space would offer a relaxed work environment, high-speed internet, bookable conference room, and self access with digital locks.
We envision this as an affordable and welcoming space for local small businesses needing an office outside of their warehouse or barn, as well as for remote workers looking to get out of their extra bedroom.
If you’re interested, or know someone that is, we would love to hear from you. Please email us at
- Community Partnership purchased the property (in June 2021) with 2.6 acres of land, five buildings.
- Began rehabilitating 9 West Main Street– the largest mixed-use structure (3,800 SF) on the property. The Phase One of work on 9W Main focused on rehabilitating the second story residential unit (e.g., windows, doors); addressing environmental concerns (i.e., removal of lead paint, asbestos siding); upgrading/installing energy efficient heating/cooling systems in the apartment and a commercial space; and stabilizing the building (sistering and better bracing beams in floor, ceilings and roof). Complete April 2022
A $75,000 NYMS reimbursable grant supported this construction phase which resulted in upgrades to one active commercial unit and leasing of the residential unit to a new teacher. Partial draw down from a November 2021 line of credit for $125,000 from the CDCLF was utilized to facilitate these improvements; the line of credit was repaid in full in June 3, 2022 with NYMS grant proceeds.
- MOS Architects developed plans for the second phase of rehabilitation of 9 West Main Street, the mixed-use structure focusing on façade, first floor commercial space and accessibility. Building Permit secured from Washington County Code Enforcement: April 12, 2023.
Phase Two: (February – December 2023)
- Finish rehabilitating 9 West Main Street focusing on all facades, accessibility, first floor commercial spaces and common areas rehabilitation. (See attached portions of plans) IN PROGRESS
- Removal of a small shed toward the rear of the property. (Complete February 2023 with donated labor/demolition machinery.) DONE
- Minor upgrades to the interior of ‘The Cottage,’ a small 440 SF structure, for commercial use (Complete August 2023). IN PROGRESS
- Received donation of approximately 1.7 acre park, formerly known as VARAK Park which hosts x linear feet of the Owl Kill and the Village-owned historic Green Victorian Bridge (Complete: February 2023)
- Relocated the Sunday Cambridge Valley Farmers Market for Spring/Summer and Fall Seasons to recently donated VARAK Park—now known as the Owlkill Commons. (Starting May 2023) See: DONE
Phase Three :
involves several project components which will be undertaken sequentially and as funds including NY Forward grant funding or other funds become available.
- Advance economic vibrancy and expand opportunities for commercial pursuit by rehabilitating ‘The Red Barn” into a more viable commercial structure embracing the community park space to the South. (Keefe & Wesner Architects, P.C. developing design documents) IN PROGRESS
- Increase opportunities for recreation and foster a recreational economy by:
- Improving access and safety of the Owl Kill (stream) in VARAK Park by stewarding stream and addressing crumbling/collapsing retaining walls along the stream by naturalizing the stream banks (see design concept) and modestly upgrading the park bringing amenities such as electricity and signage to the park. IN PROGRESS
- Expanding community park space in the property formerly known as the Lumber Yard by removing two structures (the White Barn and eventually the Red Shed) and making park improvements consistent with community visioning and planning processes led by NY Forward. COMING SOON
- Integrate adjacent properties (Victorian footbridge and adjoining park space at 17 West Main Street recently donated to the Community Partnership with open space within parcel formerly known as the Lumber Yard) COMING SOON
- Develop with partners a .55 mile trail along the Owl Kill, which meanders through and forms the southern boundary of the Owlkill Commons—and eventually (down the line in a subsequent Phase) work with partners to develop plans for and expand a trail system to the Cambridge Central School and Cambridge Community Forest. COMING SOON
- Red Shed-like barn in use as self-storage rental units.
- Parklike open space and frontage on Owlkill.
- White Barn. In various stages of decay: recently used for storage.
- The cottage, with a facelift.
- Red Barn. Large open downstairs space, with plumbing and heat, off-street parking.