Owlkill Festival  Schedule of Events May 19, 2024   


All day: Farmers Market, Food Trucks,  Community Organizations, Kids’ activities, Horse-drawn wagon rides

10:00 Hubbard Hall Ballet
followed by Cabaret Singers

10:30-12:00  Creekside Sinners
(Maggie and Chris Blackwell)

12:00-1:00 Drum in Joy Ensemble

1:00-1:30 Hubbard Hall Irish Step Dancers

1:30-3:30 Hill Hollow Quintet

Duck Races at 2:30 and 3:00, approximately

Rice Mansion Tours  10:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00

Open House at 9 West Main  10:00-3:00

All times are approximate, please be patient!

Race practice run

Click the link>>>>to see a little race teaser!  duckracetest


Adopt a Duck

We are taking adoptions before the festival.  Go to our donation page,  donate $5 per duck, and make sure to share your phone number and email address, so we can contact you with your duck’s number. Contact owkillfest@cambridgecommunitypartnership.org for information or to volunteer your time


New Community Celebration in Cambridge
The Owlkill Festival, May 19 2024 

Cambridge NY

Mark your calendars for the Owlkill Festival on Sunday, May 19th!  Sponsored by the Cambridge Valley Farmers Market and the Cambridge Valley Community Development and Preservation Partnership ( aka Community Partnership), the festival will take place from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in the park at Owlkill Commons by the green pedestrian bridge at 17 West Main Street.

The day will begin with the Cambridge Valley Farmers Market selling produce, plants, and pastries, along with many other locally sourced and produced items, including seafood, meats, eggs and bread.  Hubbard Hall Ballet Dancers will perform, followed by a musical performance from the Hubbard Hall Cabaret. The Irish Step Dancers from Hubbard Hall will demonstrate their skills a little later in the day.

Live music on the lawn begins at 10:30 with the Creekside Sinners, a local duet with lots of heart and soul.  The Drum with Joy Ensemble will add rhythm to the day, beginning at noon.  The last performance of the day (approximately 1:30-3:30) will be The Hill Hollow Quintet, a bluegrass/folk/Americana band with Barry Hyman and friends.  Bring chairs and blankets, and plan on staying all day!

We are thrilled to have three food trucks on site for the afternoon.  Casa Reyes, Cut the Pie, and Lorraine’s Nachos will be serving delicious fare.  Finish up your lunch with ice cream from Farmers Cone Creamery and a cookie or scone from Moon Scones.

We are hosting a Duck Derby along the Owl Kill. Adopt a rubber duck for the afternoon and watch it race down the Owl Kill.  It will be more of a sprint than a marathon, but it should be exciting.  For $5 a duck, you can cheer on your bright yellow friend.  Winners will receive prizes generously donated by Argyle Brewing, Battenkill Books, Black Dog Wines & Spirits, Country Gals Cafe, and Over the Moon.  There will be 2 races; starting time is approximately 2:30. The first race is for ages under 21, and the second for ages 21 and over. The whole family can get involved! All proceeds from the race will be used to help restore the Owl Kill stream bed and park, along with the Commons area.

Community groups from the area will have information booths, demonstrations, and plants. The local FFA chapter will bring animals! Find out more about our local Cambridge Historical Society, Rescue Squad, Hubbard Hall and more.

Get involved, make donations, and enjoy all the community has to offer.

The goal of the Owlkill Festival is to build community, support the Farmers Market, and raise awareness and support for the Owlkill Commons initiative. Keep an eye on our Cambridge Valley Farmers Market and Cambridge Community Partnership Facebook pages for update.
Contact owkillfest@cambridgecommunitypartnership.org for information or to volunteer your time!